How I met my dog



  My first Blog just has to be about our rescue pup  "Mr. Parker" man. 


He has become a huge a part of our lives.  After the loss of my other two pups "Bonnie" and "Zack" who were with us for 16 years I knew, it was only a matter of time before there would be a new kid in the house.  It was September 10th 2008 when all that was about to happen.  

 I was sitting in front of my computer, staring up at my most favorite photo of my Bonnie gal, remembering what I had promised her the day she left me. I promised Bonnie my next dog would be a rescue pup.

I was having one of those melancholy moments, I typed on my keyboard

After submitting my search low and behold "Parker" was about the 4th kid that displayed on my screen.  I knew the very moment I laid eyes on him, he was the one.  "That's My Boy"  I whispered.  As I looked up at Bonnie's  photo, tears in my eyes, faint feelings  of betrayal, I could hardly see her beautiful face,  think I may have been looking for a sign of approval.

 Parker was at a rescue organization in Long Beach California called  "Hearts For Hounds"  I called them immediately.  When the lady answered the phone she announced "Hello this is Bonnie" what were the chances of that, I guess I got my sign.   Bonnie gave me all the information on "Parker" and that was the name they had given him upon rescue. "One thing I will tell you" she said "he is very needy" my reply "I Love needy" and needy he is alright.  One of his nick names is  "Needy McCreedy" 

So to make a long blog short.  We drove to Long Beach that weekend to bring our new kid to his new home.   He gives us so much joy and love, could not imagine life without him.  

The  moral of my story,  to all my dog loving friends, my wish is, when it's your time to bring a new dog into your home, please consider a rescue pup, I promise you won't be sorry. 

Please visit Parkers prior home   if you see a cute kid on there "Go Get Um"  it will be worth the drive, or visit your local rescue organizations.

We would love to hear you story about  "How you met your dog"